Visa Credit Cards Enjoy convenient purchasing power along with outstanding service! You’ll open and manage your account right at the credit union, so the staff you know is here to help when you have questions or concerns. No matter which card you carry, you’ll pay no annual fees or balance transfer charges. Plus, you can enjoy convenient service in our branch, over the phone or online. Classic Visa
Platinum Visa
You can even transfer your balance from other credit cards or lenders to AECU and save! Simply collect your statements and bring them to AECU. Our staff will help you pay off old accounts, so you can consolidate with just one monthly payment and lower your rates! APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rate is determined by member eligibility and creditworthiness, as well as other factors. See credit union for complete details.
Federally Insured By NCUA |
(573) 445-1845 Website design by The Accel Group, and maintained by jWeb Media | ©2025 Academic Employees Credit Union. |